Friday, February 26, 2016

SprayJson Scala case classes for Google Maps API response


I have played a little with Spray Json - A lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala

Here is an example of how to easily marshalling a google get reponse for some adderss, using Spray Json and case classes that were built for the responding json.

I hope that anyone who are trying to do so, would save a little time by using the ready to use case classes (Maybe it's a good idea to create a central repository of case classes for common used jsons).

That's the 1st result for searching "melbourne australia" in google maps (originally an array of  2 results).:

   "results" : [  
      "address_components" : [  
         "long_name" : "Melbourne",  
         "short_name" : "Melbourne",  
         "types" : [ "colloquial_area", "locality", "political" ]  
         "long_name" : "Victoria",  
         "short_name" : "VIC",  
         "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]  
         "long_name" : "Australia",  
         "short_name" : "AU",  
         "types" : [ "country", "political" ]  
      "formatted_address" : "Melbourne VIC, Australia",  
      "geometry" : {  
       "bounds" : {  
         "northeast" : {  
          "lat" : -37.4598457,  
          "lng" : 145.76474  
         "southwest" : {  
          "lat" : -38.2607199,  
          "lng" : 144.3944921  
       "location" : {  
         "lat" : -37.814107,  
         "lng" : 144.96328  
       "location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",  
       "viewport" : {  
         "northeast" : {  
          "lat" : -37.4598457,  
          "lng" : 145.76474  
         "southwest" : {  
          "lat" : -38.2607199,  
          "lng" : 144.3944921  
      "partial_match" : true,  
      "place_id" : "ChIJ90260rVG1moRkM2MIXVWBAQ",  
      "types" : [ "colloquial_area", "locality", "political" ]  
   "status" : "OK"  

And that's the Code, including the case classes that are used for parsing the json:

  * Created by gilad on 24/02/16.  
 import spray.json._  
 import DefaultJsonProtocol._  
 object FetchCoordinates extends App{  
  def get(url: String,  
      connectTimeout:Int =5000,  
      readTimeout:Int =5000,  
      requestMethod: String = "GET") = {  
   import{URL, HttpURLConnection}  
   val connection = (new URL(url)).openConnection.asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]  
   val inputStream = connection.getInputStream  
   val content = io.Source.fromInputStream(inputStream).mkString  
   if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close  
  try {  
   val address = "melbourneaustralia"  
   val content = get(""+address+"&sensor=true")  
   val contentJs=content.parseJson  
   val googleRes = contentJs.convertTo[GoogleMapResponse]  
   val form_address= googleRes.results(0).formatted_address  
  } catch {  
   case ioe: => // handle this  
   case ste: => // handle this  

Case classes:

 import spray.json._  
 import DefaultJsonProtocol._  
 case class JsonCoords(lat:Long,lng:Long)  
 object JsonCoords { implicit val f = jsonFormat2(JsonCoords.apply)}  
 case class JsonBounds(northeast:JsonCoords,southwest:JsonCoords)  
 object JsonBounds { implicit val f = jsonFormat2(JsonBounds.apply)}  
 case class JsonGeometry(bounds:JsonBounds,location_type:String, viewport: JsonBounds)  
 object JsonGeometry { implicit val f = jsonFormat3(JsonGeometry.apply)}  
 case class JsonAddress(long_name:String,short_name:String,types:Seq[String])  
 object JsonAddress { implicit val f = jsonFormat3(JsonAddress.apply)}  
 case class JsonGoogleResult(address_components:Seq[JsonAddress],formatted_address:String,  
 object JsonGoogleResult { implicit val f = jsonFormat6(JsonGoogleResult.apply)}  
 case class GoogleMapResponse(results:Seq[JsonGoogleResult],status:String)  
 object GoogleMapResponse { implicit val f = jsonFormat2(GoogleMapResponse.apply)}  

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